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Subliminal messages

The simple definition of subliminal message is a detection that is below the threshold of consciosusness. This stimulus takes a really short time or give such low intensity that we are unaware of that detection.

Decisions we take are ours. The choice of what you buy in a shop or what ideas come into your mind are depending on your own experiences and opinions as anyone would think. However, when you say that this product is great, associate of something when you see a commercial advertisement it’s not sure if these thoughts are actually yours. But here comes the question: How can they manipulate our mind?

Csenge Puzsik

Derren Brown, a British illusionist has made an experiment with subliminals, here is the video:

Interesting, isn’t it? In what extend can they take over the control in people's decisions or thoughts? Think about that, something comes into your mind, inspire you to buy or do something and you don’t know how it could appear in your mind. Suppose you have seen a book – or anything you want-, and arose the feeling that is a good book, a good kind of car, a good anything… and you have to buy it. It can be that you’ve seen or heard about it, but it was such a little effect that you weren’t aware that you heard, seen it. Could subliminals be the offender because of buying an expensive product? Yes, it could.

Another question came up in my mind, whether advertising agents and designer specialists can persuade us in order to hold up consumer society and manipulate continuous TV watching men.

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